Expectant. Excited. A little nervous?
I’m pacing like a caged tiger. Moving from computer, to bass, then piano, and back to the computer again. Finding Home? I’m finding every corner of the place! I want to make sure everything is ready for this week.
Am I nervous about Monday’s concert at Montmartre? Absolutely not. Nothing brings me more joy than playing music with my friends. I even ran the material with Magnus and Snorre last Monday at the Bass2014 convention in Almere, Netherlands. We’re good to go. I know that the horns (Gerard, Karl-Martin and Steen) are going to kill it and Jacob (guitar) will be great. Nothing else will matter once the first beat drops.
I really should be chilling out, enjoying a relaxed Sunday.
I think it might have to do with all the original material. In Europe, artists are expected to record projects with their own material. In the US, the venture is viewed as “bold” or “adventurous”. Inside, I just felt like it was time for me to write. The songs were there, waiting to be written. This is the beginning of a new shift in my art.
In spite of the personal nature of the material, I don’t think I’m alone in feeling the joy of new adventure or the sorrow in missing family and friends. The world seems to be getting smaller and smaller and more expansive at the same time. Technology has made it possible for us to Facetime or Skype each other for free. Facebook allows us to get glimpses into each others lives and feel a certain “closeness” even though we can’t meet for a cup of coffee. I’m thankful for this technology. At the same time, we’re also becoming more distant. We get so busy that we don’t have time to call each other or figure out the time difference between countries. Maybe this music is my way of reaching out to make things more personal again.
My hope is that this CD can raise awareness about how fluid our world is becoming. People are moving all over the world, trying to find their way in a new home, culture and language. Instead of only discussing immigration laws and reforms, what if we looked at the people around us and found ways to help them adjust? Do we ignore them or treat them differently because they look different? Do we assume that they aren’t intelligent because they are stumbling and struggling with their new language? I’ve had it relatively easy with my adjustments here (thanks to great teachers and kind friends), but my awareness of those around me is heightened. I didn’t know that was going to happen.
“Finding Home” is about being at home within yourself. If you aren’t happy there, you won’t be happy anywhere else. Life isn’t just about the big grandiose moments. It is those quiet ones we enjoy with friends and family. Grab the moments as they happen and savor them.
I will be savoring Monday night, September 1, at Jazzhus Montmartre in Copenhagen. I hope you’ll be able to join me there either in person, or via the video stream.
8 pm Central Europe
2 pm East Coast (US)
1 pm Central (US)
12 pm Mountain (US)
11 am West Coast (US)